González, Lorena
Engineer - Patents

Lorena joined our firm in 2014, as an Examiner of the Patent Department.
She has practiced her profession as a Civil Chemical Engineer in the field of Industrial Property from 1996 to 2014, as an external expert of the National Institute of Industrial Property, INAPI. She is specialized in mining area (processes, devices, raw materials used in mining), chemical processes in general, chemical compositions and devices in the mechanical area.
Her work consists of performing searches and evaluating the state of the art in different areas, preparing patent applications, evaluating pending patent applications and analyzing industrial property infringement.
- Courses in Industrial Property given by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva and by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) in Madrid, December 2008.
- Civil Engineer in Chemistry, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Universidad de Chile, 1995.
- Chile, 1995.
- Spanish, English and French.